Story-Pitching Competition

Rules and Regulations




8月26日起至10月14日 23:59 截止(主辦單位擁有活動起訖與各項流程中之日期最終決定權)



電影(新創電影 / 電視電影/網路電影)
皆為 100 分鐘

劇集(迷你劇集 / 電視劇集)
迷你劇集(6 - 8 集);每集 60 分鐘或 45 分鐘
電視劇集(15 - 20集);每集 50 分鐘

30-50 集:每集 1 - 3 分鐘




2024年10月14日23:59 徵件結束
2024年11月公告 50 名初審入圍者
2024年12月公告 10 名複審入圍者


1 | 企劃概念 : 100-300字內
2 | 人物設定 : 總字數500-1000字內
3 | 故事大綱 : 2000-3000字內
4 | 編劇簡歷 : 每位500字內,需包含提供電話及email等聯繫資訊
5 | 資訊不完備者將無法完成報名程序。


1 | 請於『亞洲說-RisingStories』報名系統線上報名,登錄後可在報名後在線上重複編輯(報名收件於9月30日 23:59 截止收件)。報名者可投稿多件作品

2 | 經由評審團審核初選入圍者前 50 名與複審入圍者前 10名,將由主辦單位專人以email通知,同時於 2024 年 12月在官方網站公布複審入圍者名單。

3 | 10 名複審入圍者皆需同意並親自簽名入圍規範與義務同意書等相關資料;未簽者視同放棄入圍資格,由備選遞補。入圍者需全程參與亞洲說-提案工作坊、亞洲說-國際提案大會等活動。

4 | 10 名複審入圍者需參加亞洲說-提案工作坊,接受業界導師們的提案指導,以及劇本深度點評。

5 | 10 名複審入圍者皆需參加亞洲說-國際提案大會,針對入圍的作品進行完整提案說明及接受評審們提問,當天將於頒獎典禮公佈 3 名最終獲選者。

6 | 3 名最終獲選項目將各自獲得劇本開發合約,完成合約簽訂後將獲得新台幣10萬元劇本開發預付金。

主辦單位將於 2024 年 11 月聯繫並公告初選入圍者前 50 名,及 12 月複審入圍者前 10 名,並於2025 年 1 月舉辦提案大會與頒獎典禮,宣布最終 3 名得獎名單。


得獎之 3 組最終得獎項目將獲得新台幣 10 萬元劇本開發預付金,於劇本開發合約個別簽訂完成後支付。


1 | 所有投稿之參賽徵件作品需確保並保證著作權為參賽者原創所有,AI生成之作品屬整合網路資訊,非屬原創作品定義,若有任何著作權、版權等等之爭議,主辦單位將謝絕此作品參與徵件。

2 | 報名徵件之作品須確保未曾正式公開發表,若確認有其事實,主辦單位有權取消參加資格,並追回獎項及預付金,以及追究相關損失與法律責任。

3 | 報名徵件之作品如為多人集體共同創作,需於報名表格內填寫所有創作者簡歷,及指定其中一人為主要聯絡窗口,並且全數創作者需同意報名規則。若報名徵件之作品入圍,創作者亦須全數簽署入圍同意書等相關資料。

4 | 初選、決選之入圍名單作品,主辦單位有權揭示除片名外,摘要項目內容於主辦單位之相關網站、社群。

5 | 報名徵件者於報名完成;亦即成功且正確提交報名所需資訊,並於報名系統勾選已讀且同意活動條款細則後,視同已了解並同意本次亞洲說 RisingStories 國際原創故事徵集之各項規範辦法,及同意主辦單位蒐集其個人資料。若違反者,主辦單位有權取消參加資格,並追回獎項頭銜及預付金,以及追究相關損失與法律責任。


Professional Jury Team

柴智屏 Angie CHAI
Angie CHAI

Chairman and CEO of Mission International Co.,Ltd.Chai was deeply involved in the entertainment industry and talent cultivation for more than 30 years and is known as the "godmother of idol dramas". Her works have spread all over Asia, including idol drama "Meteor Garden" and movie "You Are the Apple of My Eye", etc. Chai is the co-recipient of the "Asian Star of 2003" by Bloomberg Businessweek, "Best Producer" of the Domestic TV series Ceremony in 2012, and one of the "Top 10 Highlights on both sides of the strait".

張榕容 Sandrine Pinna
Sandrine Pinna

Born in 1987, Sandrine Pinna is of mixed Chinese and French heritage and started her career as a child star in commercials. She has been nominated three times for the Best Actress Award at the Golden Horse Awards for her performances in Miao Miao, Yang Yang, and Touch of the Light. In 2009, she won the Best Actress Award at both the 53rd Asia-Pacific Film Festival and the 11th Taipei Film Festival for her role in Yang Yang. She was again crowned Best Actress at the 14th Taipei Film Festival in 2012 for Touch of the Light. In 2018, she received the Best Supporting Actress Award at the 23rd Huading Awards for her role in Legend of the Demon Cat. Sandrine Pinna is known for her diverse and versatile roles. Whether playing the lively and humorous Elder Wang Wu in the popular web drama Once Upon a Time There Was a Spirit Blade Mountain or portraying the serene and graceful Yang Guifei in director Chen Kaige's Legend of the Demon Cat, she has captivated audiences. For Sandrine, embodying the essence of each character and bringing them to life is her core passion as an actress.

李銘忠 Frederick Lee
Frederick Lee

Born in 1976, Frederick Lee began his career in Malaysia in 2004 and expanded his professional presence to Taiwan in 2018. He won the Best Actor Award at Malaysia’s NTV7 Golden Awards in 2014 for his role in The Descendant, and in 2023, he was honored with the Best Actor Award at the 28th Asian Television Awards for Taiwan Crime Stories: The Incident. In 2024, he received the Best Actor Award at the Rome Asian Film Festival in Italy for his performance in A Brand New Day. Frederick Lee's acting portfolio is diverse and varied. In 2024, he achieved the remarkable feat of being simultaneously nominated for both Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor for his roles in A Brand New Day and Teenage Kicks.

范芷綺 Chihchi FAN
Chihchi FAN

An screenwriter who has published multiple novels and participated in many scripts of Taiwanese TV series.2020 HBO ASIA Adventure of the Ring.2019 CTS The Making of an Ordinary Woman.Nominated for Golden Bell Awards Best Writing. 2018 PTV/Netflix A Taiwanese Tale of Two Cities.Nominated for Golden Bell Awards Best Writing.“My Perfect Zombie Mom” awarded 9th Scriptwriting competition. “Keeping Mum“ awarded TV Show Script Creation Award.

林珮瑜 LIN Pei-yu
LIN Pei-yu

Lin Pei-yu is a popular Taiwanese screenwriter known for her work on numerous successful television series. Her credits include The Making of an Ordinary Woman I & II, Presumed Innocent, The Best Interest I, II, & III, My Tooth Your Love, We Best Love series, History series: Obsessed, Boundary-Crossing, Right or Wrong, Trapped, and Bromance. Lin has received significant recognition for her work, winning the Silver Script Award at the 14th Taipei Film Festival Script Competition in 2022 for Metamorphosis and the Excellence Award for TV Program Scriptwriting in 2016 for The Best Interest. In recent years, she has expanded her career to include producing, with credits such as Seeing Love and Miracle.

賴孟傑 Meng-Jie LAI
Meng-Jie LAI

Meng-Jie Lai has received recognition from the Golden Bell Awards, Golden Harvest Awards, and Taipei Film Awards. In 2019, his feature film Stand By Me was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay at the Golden Horse Awards and grossed 90 million RMB at the Chinese box office. In 2020, Dear Killer was nominated in the New Talent Competition at the 44th Hong Kong International Film Festival and for Best Supporting Actor at the 23rd Taipei Film Awards. In 2023, he won several major awards at the 58th Golden Bell Awards for the TV drama The Amazing Grace of Σ, including Best Drama Series, Best Director, Best Actress, and Best Newcomer. His latest film, Lemongrass Summer, was released in 2024.